Dive Sasquatch God – Index


Genre: Action, supernatural, comedy, terror, fantasy, science fiction, Dao, Sasquatch.


This is a story about a young woman from a futuristic world named Kimarya who reincarnates into a brutal world of bizarre monsters, magic and cultivators.

She’s in a world that destroys any notions she had in her previous life as to what are the true limits of humanity, full of earth-shaking secrets of the life and reality.

She must survive and THRIVE using the help of her futuristic knowledge, a hyper-evolved subconscious and most importantly, Sasquatch whose fate and soul are mysteriously intertwined with hers to forge a path of power, discovery, and understanding that resonates with her heart.

Kimarya is a quirky and eccentric girl whose also strangely obsessed with the mythical creature known as Sasquatch of her previous world can’t help but be elated at this chance to use the strange powers so unique to this world.

This a story full of action, horror, emotional scenes, comedy, and the struggles of societies with very deep psychological influences.

Cover art

First cover art
Second cover art


Chapter 1 – Awakening
Chapter 2 – World Merger
Chapter 3 – Murder Crow
Chapter 4 – Why must Sasquatch be this lame?
Chapter 5 – Rocks, rocks rocks
Chapter 6 – Leerum Epsum
Chapter 7 – Momma bear
Chapter 8 – Vertuold Augury stone results
Chapter 9 – Leerums plot
Chapter 10 – Ellen Vanderhorst – MOST RECENT CHAPTER OUT


2 thoughts on “Dive Sasquatch God – Index

  1. Pingback: Dive Sasquatch God – Chapter 1 – Awakening | Myriad Dao

  2. Pingback: Dive Sasquatch God Cover Art #1 | Myriad Dao

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